
Joint Press Release from AOPA and the Amputee Coalition on Lower Policy Draft

GROUPS: MEDICARE IS EYEING A “SIGNIFICANT SETBACK” IN CARE FOR TWO MILLION AMERICAN AMPUTEES “Return to 1970’s Standard of Care”: Proposed Cost-Cutting Move Would Severely Limit Availability of Appropriate and Medically Necessary Prosthetic Care for Amputees. WASHINGTON, D.C. – August 19, 2015 — Proposed changes to Medicare’s reimbursement for lower limb prosthetic care would create […]

Update on LCD Policy – What is AOPA Doing?

Dear AOPA Member, Everyone throughout the orthotics and prosthetics world has pulled together and gone “all in” on the effort to fight back the DME MAC proposed revisions to the Local Coverage Determination (LCD) for Lower Limb Prosthetics, and hopefully restore some sanity to delivery of prosthetic limbs to Medicare amputee beneficiaries in the future.  […]

CMS’ Own Data Refutes Need for LCD Policy Change

The Data Doesn’t Lie: Medicare Data Shows That: The 2011 OIG Report, Dear Physician Letter, and RAC Audits, misread an upward trend in prosthetic spending that had already reversed*; For better or worse, Medicare has practiced medicine and changed the prevailing standard of amputee care for the worse; and They appear to be completely oblivious […]

AOPA Meets with Deputy Administrator of CMS Regarding the Proposed LCD for Lower Limb Prosthetics

On August 11, AOPA had a meeting with the Deputy Director of CMS, Sean Cavanaugh, to discuss the DME MACs LCD Lower Extremity Prosthetics Policy Article published July 16, 2015.  The AOPA delegation included: AOPA President Charlie Dankmeyer, CPO; Dr. Paul Pasquina (AOPA Prosthetics 2020 Medical Advisory Board Member); Sam Liang (Hanger Clinics); Brad Ruhl […]

ICD-10 Conversion Tool Available for AOPA Members

There is less than two months remaining until the October 1, 2015 deadline, when the nation switches from ICD-9 to ICD-10 coding for medical diagnoses and inpatient hospital procedures. AOPA has partnered with the Coding Institute to provide an ICD-10 conversion tool to AOPA members. This free membership benefit allows you to quickly find a […]

AOPA Announces Thomas V. DiBello, CO as 2015 Lifetime Achievement Award Winner

The American Orthotic & Prosthetic Association (AOPA) will honor Thomas V. DiBello, CO with the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2015 AOPA National Assembly in San Antonio, TX.  This award is bestowed on individuals who have made exceptional contributions to the orthotics and prosthetics profession. AOPA President Charles Dankmeyer, Jr. CPO explained “Mr. DiBello is […]

TAKE ACTION NOW on Proposed Lower Limb Prosthetic Policy

AOPA shared with you the DME MACs proposal for substantial modifications to the Local Coverage Determination and Policy Article applicable to Medicare reimbursement for lower extremity prosthetics. AOPA reviewed the policy and provided a Comprehensive Analysis, accompanied by an Executive Summary (available here). We now have a simple way for AOPA members AND prosthetic patients to take action […]

Update: AOPA’s Analysis of Proposed Lower Limb Prosthetic Policy

On Thursday, July 16th, the four DME MACs, released their joint proposal for substantial modifications to the Local Coverage Determination and Policy Article applicable to Medicare reimbursement for lower extremity prosthetics. AOPA has now examined the proposed changes and has complied a comprehensive summary of the proposed LCD and Policy Article, accompanied by an Executive Summary […]

Breaking News: DME MACs Issue Draft Policy Revision for Lower Limb Prostheses

The four DME MACs have just released a Draft Local Coverage Determination (LCD) and Policy Article that, when finalized, will govern Medicare coverage of Lower Limb Prostheses. The draft policy contains significant revisions from the existing Lower Limb Prosthesis medical policy and AOPA is working diligently to review the draft policy and provide a detailed […]

CMS and AMA Announce Efforts to Help Providers Get Ready for ICD-10

With less than three months remaining until the nation switches from ICD-9 to ICD-10 coding for medical diagnoses and inpatient hospital procedures, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and the American Medical Association (AMA) have announced efforts to help physicians get ready ahead of the October 1 deadline. This announcement indicates a shift […]