O&P Congressional Liaison

What is an O&P Congressional Liaison?


An O&P Congressional Liaison is someone who builds a relationship with their congressional legislator to help communicate the O&P message to congress. As an O&P professional, they are in a unique position to deliver a powerful message to Capitol Hill about first-hand experiences.

Members of Congress want to hear from their constituents and the messages from “back home” – whether delivered in person, by letter or phone. Congressional Liaisons help to achieve legislative and regulatory objectives and better position the O&P field for the present and future challenges.

Become an O&P Congressional Liaison – Click Here



Find Your Representative in the House

Find Your Representative in the Senate

Conducting a Facility Visit with your Member of Congress

Conducting a Political Fundraiser for your Member of Congress

Scheduling a Meeting with your Member of Congress

Writing a Letter to your Member of Congress

Glossary of Legislative Terms

Know the Congressional Staff