Updated 8/2/2017
Bolded companies are AOPA members
+ = Supplier Plus Partner
Company Name | Booth # | Website |
ACOR Orthopaedic Inc. | 1221 | www.acor.com |
+ Allard USA, Inc. | 518 | www.allardusa.com |
Premiere viewing of Allard’s updated pediatric hip orthosis; SWASH® STEADY and SWASH® GO! We are the world leader in the carbon fiber AFO market by continually researching the biomechanical needs of patients with lower extremity deficiencies to develop and manufacture a full range of the highest quality AFOs. Allard’s products include contracture management, soft goods, spinal orthoses, splinting and bracing materials. First 50 attendees at Booth 518 to view SWASH® Steady & Go receive a FREE 7-in-1 Allen Key. | ||
Alps South LLC | 702 | www.easyliner.com |
Alternative Prosthetic Services Inc. | 1138 | www.alternativeprosthetics.com |
American Academy of Orthotists & Prosthetists (AAOP) | 544 | www.oandp.org |
American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics & Pedorthics (ABC) | 538 | www.abcop.org |
American Central Fabrication | 1206 | |
American Orthotic & Prosthetic Association | 302 | www.aopanet.org |
American Prosthetic Components LLC | 632 | www.apcomponents.com |
AMFIT INC. | 714 | www.amfit.com |
Amputee Coalition | 1306 | www.amputee-coalition.org |
•Amputee Coalition of BC Society (ACBC) | 545 | www.amputees.ca |
Anodyne | 737 | www.anodyneshoes.com |
Aon Affinity | 429 | www.insurance4op.com |
Apis Footwear Co. | 529 | www.bignwideshoes.com |
Aspen Medical Products | 629 | www.aspenmp.com |
Becker Orthopedic Appliance Co. | 1118 | www.beckerorthopedic.com |
•BI Medical, LLC | 745 | www.bimedical.org |
BioSculptor Corp. | 438 | www.biosculptor.com |
•BLUEWAVE Technologies | 822 | www.bluewave.tech |
Board of Certification/Accreditation (BOC) | 1218 | www.bocusa.org |
Boston O&P | 841 | www.bostonoandp.com |
•BroadBay/Streifeneder ortho.production | 338 | www.broad-bay.com |
Bulldog Tools Inc. | 1024 | www.bulldogtools.com |
Cailor Fleming Insurance | 323 | www.cailorfleming.com |
+ Cascade Dafo Inc. | 837 | www.cascadedafo.com |
+ Cascade Orthopedic Supply Inc. | 626 | www.cascade-usa.com |
Charcot-Marie-Tooth Association (CMTA) | 422 | www.cmtausa.org |
Charleston Bending Brace | 944 | www.cbb.org |
Click Medical | 310 | clickmedical.co |
Coapt LLC | 738 | www.coaptengineering.com |
College Park Industries | 402 | www.college-park.com |
Comfort Products | 917 | www.comfortoandp.com |
Coyote Design | 1022 | www.coyotedesign.com |
Cranial Technologies | 646 | www.cranialtech.com |
Create O&P | 1202 | www.createoandp.com |
Cypress Adaptive | 334 | www.cypressadaptive.com |
DAW Industries Inc. | 1302 | www.daw-usa.com |
DJO | 638 | www.djoglobal.com |
Drew Shoe Corp | 838 | www.easyliner.com |
•E-Life | 1238 | www.e-lifebracing.com |
Endolite | 602 | www.endolite.com |
Engineered Silicone Products (ESP), LLC | 1243 | www.wearesp.com |
Epica Applied Technologies | 432 | www.epicatech.com |
Fabtech Systems LLC | 634 | www.fabtechsystems.com |
•Farabloc Development Corporation | 639 | www.farabloc.com |
+ Fillauer | 502 | www.fillauer.com |
•FIOR & GENTZ GmbH | 1133 | www.fior-gentz.us |
Freedom Innovations LLC | 808 | www.freedom-innovations.com |
Friddle's Orthopedic Appliances Inc. | 938 | www.friddles.com |
•Generix Medical LLC | 1241 | www.generixmedical.com |
•Glaze Prosthetics | 424 | www.glazeprosthetics.com |
iFit Prosthetics LLC | 1230 | www.ifitprosthetics.com |
Infinite Biomedical Technologies | 939 | www.i-biomed.com |
Integrum Inc. | 1231 | www.integrum.se |
•International Institute of Orthotics and Prosthetics | 1208 | www.iiofoandp.org |
•ISPO Canada | 1311 | www.ispo.ca |
Kinetic Research Inc. | 1119 | www.KineticResearch.com |
KISS Technologies LLC | 530 | www.kiss-suspension.com |
KLM Laboratories | 1310 | klmlabs.com |
Knit-Rite Inc. | 728 | www.knitrite.com |
Landis International | 1037 | www.landisinternational.ca |
•LaunchPad | 328 | www.LaunchPad-op.com |
LegWorks | 531 | www.LegWorks.com |
LIM Innovations | 317 | www.liminnovations.com |
•Limbs for Life Foundation | 1239 | www.limbsforlife.org |
•Lunatik Athletiks | 1240 | www.lunatikathletiks.com |
•Lumbrella | 330 | www.lumbrella-os.com |
•Lustampa- Gins S.R. L | 409 | www.lustampa.it |
Makstride Prosthetics | 820 | www.makstrideprosthetics.com |
Martin Bionics Innovations | 210 | martinbionics.com |
MD Orthopaedics Inc. | 1132 | www.mdorthopaedics.com |
Medi USA | 818 | www.mediusa.com |
•MediYeti | 1323 | www.mediyeti.com |
Mile High Orthotics Lab Inc. | 1220 | www.mholabs.com |
Monetek LLC | 1122 | www.monetek.com |
Myomo | 1313 | www.myomo.com |
Myrdal Orthopedic Technologies | 840 | www.myrdalorthopedics.com |
Nabtesco & Proteor in USA | 418 | www.NP-USA.com |
+ Naked Prosthetics | 1307 | www.npdevices.com |
National Commission on O&P Education (NCOPE) | 540 | www.ncope.org |
nora systems Inc. | 1040 | www.nora-shoe.com |
NormaTec Medical | 1140 | www.normatecmedical.com |
Nymbl Systems | 1018 | www.nymbl.systems |
O&P Almanac | 440 | www.AOPAnet.org |
O&P EDGE/Western Media LLC | 941 | www.oandp.com/edge |
OPAF & The First Clinics | 1234 | www.opafonline.org |
OPAI & RCI | 326 | www.opai.org.in |
OPIE Software | 824 | www.oandp.com |
OPTEC USA, INC | 612 | www.optecusa.com |
Orfit Industries America | 532 | www.orfit.com |
Orthomerica Products Inc. | 412 | www.orthomerica.com |
Orthotic & Prosthetic Group of America (OPGA) | 918 | www.opga.com |
Orthotic Holdings OHI | 1014 | www.ohi.net |
Orthotics Prosthetics Canada (OPC) | 1142 | www.opcanada.ca |
Osseointegration Group of Australia | 1305 | www.osseointegrationaustralia.com.au |
Össur Americas Inc. | 718 | www.ossur.com |
Ottobock | 1002 | www.ottobockus.com |
Ottobock uses innovative technology, superior service, and world-class education to help people with physical mobility challenges. Established in 1919 in Germany, Ottobock opened its doors in the U.S. in 1958 and in Canada in 1978. Currently in its third generation as a privately held company, Ottobock offers products and services to help people maintain or regain their freedom of movement. | ||
Paceline | 521 | www.paceline.com |
PEL | 926 | www.pelsupply.com |
•Procosil SRL | 213 | www.procosil.com |
•ProsFit Technologies JSC. | 1204 | www.prosfit.com |
Pro-Tech Orthopedics | 1222 | www.protech-intl.com |
ProtoKinetics Gait Analysis Walkways | 1114 | www.protokinetics.com |
Protosthetics | 411 | protosthetics.com |
•Rapid TPC | 1141 | www.rapidtpc.com |
Renia GmbH | 1038 | www.renia.com |
Rodin 4D | 734 | www.rodin4d.com |
Royal Knit Inc. | 537 | http://www.royalknit.com/ |
RS Print | 431 | www.phitsinsoles.com |
RUSH Foot a PROTEOR Company | 418 | www.rushfoot.com |
Spinal Technology Inc. | 932 | www.spinaltech.com |
•Springer Aktiv Ag | 1042 | www.proprio.info |
+ SPS | + 802 | www.spsco.com |
ST&G USA Corp. | 423 | www.stngco.com |
Standard Cyborg | 1030 | www.standardcyborg.com |
SteeperUSA | 318 | www.steeperusa.com |
SureStep | 618 | www.surestep.net |
Taika3D | 1045 | www.taika3d.com |
Tamarack Habilitation Technologies Inc. | 1117 | www.tamarackhti.com |
TechMed 3D Inc. | 1137 | www.techmed3d.com |
•TheraTogs Inc. | 324 | www.theratogs.com |
Thermo-Ply, Inc. | 1231 | www.thermoplygel.com |
Tillges Technologies | 1123 | www.tillgestechnologies.com |
Top Shelf Orthopedics | 546 | www.pacmedical.com |
+ Townsend Design (Thuasne USA) | 1126 | www.townsenddesign.com |
TRS Inc. (Therapeutic Recreation Systems Inc.) | 1309 | www.trsprosthetics.com |
Turbomed Orthotics | 525 | turbomedorthotics.com |
•University of Hartford- MSPO | 539 | www.hartford.edu/tmspo |
•Value and Trust Co., Ltd | 430 | www.vntc.me |
Vorum | 832 | www.vorum.com |
•Voxelcare Online CAD/CAM Systems | 845 | www.voxelcare.com |
+ WillowWood | 524 | www.willowwoodco.com |
Since 1907 WillowWood has been creating prosthetic products that free the bodies and spirits of amputees. It’s our vision to level the playing field between the physically unchallenged and those with limb loss. Visit us to learn how Alpha® Liners, LimbLogic®, and the WillowWood One® system make this vision possible. | ||
•Xi'an HSD Rehabilitation Appliance Co., Ltd. | 327 | www.haosida.net |