2014 AOPA National Assembly Exhibitors
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Bold = AOPA Members
Ability Dynamics LLC Booth# 1558 |
www.abilitydynamics.com | |
Abletech Orthopedics Corp. Booth# 934 |
www.wellcare-supports.com | |
ACOR Orthopedic Inc. Booth# 965 |
www.acor.com | |
Adaptec Prosthetics/Smartpuck Booth# 1571 |
ADN/Extremity Games Booth# 925 |
www.adnpage.org | |
Advanced O&P Solutions LLC Booth# 1376 |
www.aopsolutions.com | |
Aetrex Worldwide Inc. Booth# 1151 |
www.aetrex.com | |
Algeos USA Booth# 759 |
www.algeos.com | |
Allard USA Inc. Booth# 1030 |
www.allardusa.com | |
ALPS Booth# 1225 |
www.easyliner.com | |
Alternative Prosthetic Services Inc. Booth# 973 |
www.alternativeprosthetics.com | |
American Academy of Orthotists & Prosthetists (AAOP) Booth# 1670 |
www.oandp.org | |
American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics & Pedorthics (ABC) Booth# 1374 |
www.abcop.org | |
American Central Fabrication Booth# 956 |
American Orthopedics Manufacturing Corp. Booth# 739 |
www.americanomc.com | |
American Orthotic & Prosthetic Association (AOPA) Booth# 1077 |
www.AOPAnet.org | |
American Plastics, A Divsion of Curbell Plastics Booth# 1474 |
www.americanoandp.com | |
American Prosthetic Components LLC Booth# 1076 |
www.apcomponents.com | |
AMFIT Inc. Booth# 1257 |
www.amfit.com | |
Amputee Coalition Booth# 1377 |
www.amputee-coalition.org | |
AON Booth# 933 |
www.insurance4op.com | |
AOPM Booth# 936 |
www.aopmcenter.com | |
Apis Footwear Co. Booth# 931 |
www.apisfootwear.com | |
Aqualeg Inc. Booth# 743 |
www.aqualeg.com | |
Arizona AFO Inc. Booth# 1183 |
www.arizonaafo.com | |
ARTech Laboratory Inc. Booth# 761 |
www.artechlab-prosthetics.com | |
Aspen Medical Products Booth# 958 |
www.aspenmp.com | |
Atlantic Rim Brace Mfg. Corp. Booth# 977 |
www.spinalbraces.com | |
Becker Orthopedic Appliance Co. Booth# 1143 |
www.beckerorthopedic.com | |
biodesigns inc. Booth# 1475 |
www.joinhifi.com | |
BiOM Booth# 1565 |
www.BiOM.com | |
BioSculptor Corp. Booth# 860 |
www.biosculptor.com | |
Bledsoe Brace Systems Booth# 948 |
www.bledsoebrace.com | |
Board of Certification/Accreditation, Int’l (BOC) Booth# 967 |
www.bocusa.org.com | |
Bort-Swiss Orthopedic Supply Booth# 1061 |
www.bort-swissortho.com | |
Boston Brace Booth# 843 |
www.bostonbrace.com | |
Bowman Enterprise Services Inc. Booth# 851 |
www.opHUB.com | |
Bracemasters International LLC Booth# 950 |
www.bracemasters.com | |
Bremer Group Company, The Booth# 1570 |
www.bremergroup.com | |
BTS Bioengineering Corp. Booth# 835 |
www.btsbioengineering.com | |
Bulldog Tools Inc. Booth# 814 |
www.bulldogtools.com | |
Cailor Fleming Insurance Booth# 1174 |
www.cailorfleming.com | |
Cascade Dafo Inc. Booth# 1065 |
www.cascadedafo.com | |
Cascade Orthopedic Supply Inc. Booth# 1177 |
www.cascade-usa.com | |
Centri – A Fillauer Co. Booth# 1025 |
www.centri.se | |
Clinical Education Concepts Booth# 864 |
www.cecpo.com | |
College Park Industries Inc. Booth# 913 |
www.college-park.com | |
Comfort Products Inc. Booth# 1457 |
www.comfortoandp.com | |
Coyote Design & Mfg Inc. Booth# 1031C |
www.coyotedesign.com | |
Cybertech Medical Booth# 825 |
www.cybertechmedical.com | |
Dav Mar Inc. Booth# 1031H |
www.davmarshoes.com | |
DAW Industries Inc. Booth# 815 |
www.daw-usa.com | |
Delcam Booth# 1165 |
www.delcam-healthcare.com | |
Dicarre LLC Booth# 964 |
http://www.dicarre.com/ | |
DJO Global Booth# 833 |
www.djoglobal.com | |
Dr. Comfort Booth# 842 |
www.DrComfort.com | |
Drew Shoe Corp. Booth# 1071 |
www.drewshoe.com | |
East Coast Orthotic & Prosthetic Corp. Booth# 969 |
www.ec-op.com | |
Endolite Booth# 1449 |
www.endolite.com | |
ESP, LLC Booth# 811 |
www.wearesp.com | |
Fabtech Systems LLC Booth# 723 |
www.fabtechsystems.com | |
Fillauer Companies Booth# 1521 & 1025 |
www.fillauercompanies.com | |
Fillauer LLC – A Fillauer Co. Booth# 1025 |
www.fillauer.com | |
Fillauer Orthotics & Prosthetics Booth# 1025 |
www.fillauercompanies.com | |
Footmaxx Booth# 727 |
www.footmaxx.com | |
Freedom Innovations LLC Booth# 1443 & 1437 |
www.freedom-innovations.com | |
Friddle’s Orthopedic Appliances, Inc. Booth# 1031D |
www.friddles.com | |
Futura International Inc. Booth# 1064 |
www.futuraintl.com | |
Grace Prosthetic Fabrication Inc. Booth# 715 |
www.gpfinc.com | |
Hersco Ortho Labs Booth# 767 |
www.hersco.com | |
Hosmer Dorrance Corp. – A Fillauer Company Booth# 1025 |
www.hosmer.com | |
iFit Prosthetics LLC Booth# 731 |
www.ifitprosthetics.com | |
iWalkFree, Inc. Booth# 1044 |
www.iwalk-free.com | |
Janco Booth# 1175 |
www.janco-inc.com | |
JMS Plastics Supply Booth# 810 |
www.jmsplastics.com | |
Kinetic Research Booth# 831 |
www.KineticResearch.com | |
KISS Technologies LLC Booth# 1342 |
www.kiss-suspension.com | |
KLM Labs Booth# 1173 |
www.klmlabs.com | |
Knit-Rite Inc. Booth# 1031E |
www.knitrite.com | |
Levy & Rappel Booth# 836 |
www.LevyandRappel.com | |
Liberating Technologies, Inc. Booth# 1031I |
www.liberatingtech.com | |
Life-Like Laboratory LLC Booth# 1243 |
www.lifelikelab.com | |
LIM Innovations Booth# 1026 |
www.liminnovations.com | |
Martin Bionics Innovations Booth# 1471 |
www.martinbionics.com | |
MD Orthopaedics Inc. Booth# 1072 |
www.mdorthopaedics.com | |
Med Spec (ASO EVO) Booth# 849 |
www.medspec.com | |
Medex International Inc. Booth# 749 |
www.medexinternational.com | |
Medi USA Booth# 1557 |
www.mediusa.com | |
MIH International LLC/M-Brace Booth# 733 |
www.m-brace.com | |
Motion Control Inc. – A Fillauer Co. Booth# 1025 |
www.UtahArm.com | |
Nabtesco Proteor – USA Booth# 1154 & 1157 |
www.proteor.com | |
Naked Prosthetics Booth# 865 |
www.nakedprosthetics.com | |
National Commission on O&P Education (NCOPE) Booth# 1372 |
www.ncope.org | |
New Options Sports Booth# 910 |
www.newoptionssports.com | |
New Step Orthotic Lab Inc. Booth# 1371 |
www.newsteporthotics.com | |
Nora systems, Inc. Booth# 932 |
www.nora-shoe.com | |
North Sea Plastics Booth# 908 |
www.northseaplastics.com | |
O&P Business News and Helio.com by SLACK Inc. Booth# 1059 |
www.oandpbiznews.com | |
O&P EDGE/Amplitude Media Group Booth# 839 |
www.oandp.com/edge | |
O&P Solutions/Optimus Prosthetics Booth# 1031G |
www.optimusprosthetics.com | |
OP Marketing/OP Solutions Booth# 1375 |
www.opmarketing.com | |
OPAF & The First Clinics Booth# 859 |
www.opafonline.org | |
OPIE Software Booth# 957 |
www.oandp.com | |
OPTEC USA, INC Booth# 1333 |
www.optecusa.com | |
Orfit Industries America Booth# 1556 |
www.orfit.com | |
Orthofeet Booth# 1171 |
www.orthofeet.com | |
Orthomerica Products Inc. Booth# 937 & 943 |
www.orthomerica.com | |
Orthotic & Prosthetic Equipment Corporation Booth# 1470 |
www.optable.com | |
Orthotic & Prosthetic Group of America (OPGA) Booth# 1031 |
www.opga.com | |
Orthotics & Prosthetics One Booth# 1031B |
www.oandp1.com | |
Össur Americas Inc. Booth# 1321 |
www.ossur.com | |
OTS Corp. – A Fillauer Co. Booth# 1025 |
www.ots-corp.com | |
Ottobock Booth# 1427 |
www.ottobockus.com | |
Pedorthic Footcare Association (PFA) Booth# 866 |
www.pedorthics.org | |
PEL LLC Booth# 1237 |
www.pelsupply.com | |
Pine Tree Orthopedic Lab Inc. Booth# 1043 |
www.pinetreeorthopedic.com | |
Prosthetic Orthotic Solutions International (POSI) Booth# 1274 |
www.physiocorp.com | |
Pro-Tech Orthopedics Booth# 1075 |
www.protech-intl.com | |
ProtoKinetics LLC Booth# 1265 |
www.protokinetics.com | |
Provel Inc. Booth# 709 |
www.provel.us | |
Quality Outcomes Booth# 1031F |
www.qualityoutcomes.com | |
R&B Medical Distributors Booth# 1271 |
www.randbmed.com | |
Renia GmbH Chemisch Fabrik Booth# 930 |
www.renia.com | |
Restorative Care of America Inc. Booth# 852 |
www.rcai.com | |
Roboticom – Fabrica Machinale Srl Booth# 1068 |
www.roboticom.it | |
Rodin 4D Booth# 949 |
www.rodin4d.com | |
Royal Knit Inc. Booth# 1270 |
www.royalknit.com | |
Paceline Inc. Booth# 952 |
www.paceline.com | |
Silipos Inc. Booth# 826 |
www.silipos.com | |
Simona America Inc. Booth# 1275 |
www.simona-america.com | |
Soletech Inc. Booth# 1160 |
www.soletech.com | |
SOLS System Booth# 927 |
www.sols.com | |
Spinal Technology Inc. Booth# 1049 |
www.spinaltech.com | |
SPS Booth# 1249 |
www.spsco.com | |
ST&G USA Corp. Booth# 1465 |
www.stngco.com | |
SteeperUSA Booth# 1365 |
www.steeperusa.com | |
Streifeneder USA Booth# 921 |
www.streifenederusa.com | |
SureStep Booth# 1357 |
www.surestep.net | |
Swiftwick Booth# 721 |
www.swiftwick.com | |
Tamarack Habilitation Technologies Inc. Booth# 1142 |
www.tamarackhti.com | |
TechMed 3D Inc. Booth# 949A |
www.techmed3d.com | |
Teh Sen Technology Inc. Booth# 1476 |
www.tehsen.com | |
ThyssenKrupp AIN Plastics Booth# 1066 |
www.ainplastics.com | |
Tillges Technologies, LLC Booth# 1170 |
www.pressureguardian.com | |
TiMED Inc. Booth# 1575 |
www.ti-med.com | |
Top Shelf Orthopedics Booth# 1370 |
www.pacmedical.com | |
Touch Bionics Booth# 828 |
www.touchbionics.com | |
Townsend Design Booth# 1343 |
www.townsenddesign.com | |
Trulife Booth# 1256 |
www.trulife.com | |
UNYQ Booth# 954 |
www.unyq.com | |
US Member Society – ISPO Booth# 975 |
www.usispo.com | |
Vorum Booth# 1477 |
www.vorum.com | |
WBC Industries Inc. Booth# 737 |
www.wbcindustries.com | |
WillowWood Booth# 820 |
www.owwco.com |