2015 AOPA National Assembly Exhibitors
Exhibitors as of 9/4/15
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I| J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Bold = AOPA Members
Company | Booth Number | Website |
Ability Dynamics LLC | Booth# 519 | www.abilitydynamics.com |
ACOR Orthopaedic Inc. | Booth# 719 | www.acor.com |
Advanced O&P Solutions LLC | Booth# 513 | www.aopsolutions.com |
Apex Foot Health | Booth# 319 | www.apexfoot.com |
Allard USA Inc. | Booth# 537 | www.allardusa.com |
ALPS | Booth# 501 | www.easyliner.com |
Bio: ALPS’ goal is to deliver innovative products to customers and patients. Since its founding in 1988, ALPS has expanded its knowledge to become an industry leader in the development and manufacturing of advanced gel-based products. We pride ourselves on excellent product quality, outstanding customer service, and our ability to satisfy customers’ needs. With 6 locations worldwide and four divisions: Prosthetics, Orthotics, Silicone, and Patient Care, we are able to serve most needs and markets | ||
Alternative Prosthetic Services Inc. | Booth# 725 | www.alternativeprosthetics.com |
American Academy of Orthotists & Prosthetists | Booth# 578 | www.oandp.org |
American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics and Pedorthics (ABC) | Booth# 565 | www.abcop.org |
American Central Fabrication | Booth# 644 | |
American Orthotic & Prosthetic Association | Booth# 637 | www.aopanet.org |
American Plastics, A Div. of Curbell Plastics | Booth# 456 | www.americanoandp.com |
American Prosthetic Components LLC | Booth# 122 | www.americanprostheticcomponents.com |
AMFIT INC. | Booth# 233 | www.amfit.com |
Amputee Coalition | Booth# 662 | www.amputee-coalition.org |
Amplitude Media Group | Booth# 363 | www.amplitude-media.com |
Anatomical Concepts Inc. | Booth# 132 | www.anatomicalconceptsinc.com |
AON | Booth# 382 | www.insurance4op.com |
Anodyne | Booth# 739 | www.anodyneshoes.com |
Apis Footwear Co. | Booth# 465 | www.apisfootwear.com |
ARTech Laboratory Inc. | Booth# 702 | www.artechlab-prosthetics.com |
Aspen Medical Products | Booth# 455 | www.aspenmp.com |
Autodesk | Booth# 549 | www.autodesk.com/footwear |
Banyan Healthcare/Falk Prosthetics & Orthotics | Booth# 660 | www.Banyanhealthcare.com |
Becker Orthopedic Appliance Co. | Booth# 325 | www.beckerorthopedic.com |
biodesigns inc. | Booth# 469 | www.joinhifi.com |
BIONX (Formerly BiOM) | Booth# 800 | www.bionxmed.com |
BioSculptor Corp. | Booth# 618 | www.biosculptor.com |
Blue Diamond Orthopedic | Booth# 666 | www.bluedortho.com |
Board of Certification/Accreditation, Int’l (BOC) | Booth# 378 | www.bocusa.org |
Bort-Swiss Orthopedic Supply | Booth# 609 | www.bort-swissortho.com |
Boston Brace International Inc./dba NOPCO | Booth# 812 | www.bostonbrace.com |
Breg | Booth# 417 | www.breg.com |
Brightree LLC | Booth# 415 | www.brightree.com |
Bulldog Tools Inc. | Booth# 834 | www.bulldogtools.com |
Cailor Fleming Insurance | Booth# 733 | www.cailorfleming.com |
Cascade Dafo Inc. | Booth# 133 | www.cascadedafo.com |
Cascade Orthopedic Supply Inc. | Booth# 255 | www.cascade-usa.com |
CBS Medical Billing & Consulting, LLC | Booth# 745 | www.oandp-solutions.com |
CJ Socket Technologies | Booth# 375 | www.cjsocket.com |
Click Medical | Booth# 716 | www.clickmedical.co |
Clincial Education Concepts | Booth# 882 | www.cecpo.com |
College Park Industries Inc. | Booth# 431 | www.college-park.com |
Comfort Products Inc. | Booth# 112 | www.comfortoandp.com |
Coyote Design & Mfg Inc. | Booth# 412 | www.coyotedesign.com |
Create Prosthetics | Booth# 717 | www.createprosthetics.com |
DAW Industries Inc. | Booth# 381 | www.daw-usa.com |
Design Interactive | Booth# 820 | www.designinteractive.net |
DIA-Foot | Booth# 516 | www.dia-foot.com |
Dicarre LLC | Booth# 824 | www.dicarre.com |
DME MAC Medicare Contractors | Booth# 477 | www.NGSMedicare.com |
Dr. Comfort | Booth# 365 | www.DrComfort.com |
Drew Shoe Corp. | Booth# 731 | www.drewshoe.com |
e-life International Co., Ltd. | Booth# 130 | www.e-litebracing.com |
Endolite | Booth# 125 | www.endolite.com |
Epica International | Booth# 455 | www.EpicaInternational.com |
ESP | Booth# 260 | www.wearesp.com |
Fabtech Systems LLC | Booth# 908 | www.fabtechsystems.com |
Fillauer | Booth# 102 | www.fillauer.com |
Footmaxx | Booth# 621 | www.footmaxx.com |
Freedom Innovations LLC | Booth# 237 | www.freedom-innovations.com |
Friddle’s Orthopedic Appliances Inc. | Booth# 414 | www.friddles.com |
Grace Prosthetic Fabrication Inc. | Booth# 142 | www.gpfinc.com |
I-Runner | Booth# 567 | |
I Walk Free, Inc. | Booth# 140 | www.iwalk-free.com |
Janco | Booth# 134 | |
JMS Plastics Supply | Booth# 333 | www.jmsplastics.com |
Ken Dall Enterprise Co., Ltd | Booth# 619 | |
Kinetic Research Inc. | Booth# 620 | www.KineticResearch.com |
KISS Technologies LLC | Booth# 357 | www.kiss-suspension.com |
KLM Labs Inc. | Booth# 555 | www.klmlabs.com |
Knit-Rite Inc. | Booth# 425 | www.knitrite.com |
LegWorks Inc. | Booth# 723 | www.legworks.org |
Liberating Technologies Inc. | Booth# 515 | www.liberatingtechnologies.com |
LIM Innovations | Booth# 713 | www.liminnovations.com |
Makstride Prosthetics | Booth #463 | www.makstrideprosthetics.com |
Martin Bionics Innovations | Booth# 481 | www.martinbionics.com |
MD Orthopaedics Inc. | Booth# 603 | www.mdorthopaedics.com |
Med Spec (ASO EVO) | Booth# 828 | www.medspec.com |
Medex International Inc. | Booth# 709 | www.medexinternational.com |
Medi USA | Booth# 149 | www.mediusa.com |
MIH International/M-Brace | Booth# 517 | www.m-brace.com |
Midwest Orthotic Services LLC | Booth# 706 | www.midwestorthotics.com |
Mile High Orthotics Lab | Booth# 844 | www.mholabs.com |
Motion Control, Division of Fillauer | Booth# 102 | www.UtahArm.com |
Myomo | Booth# 266 | www.myomo.com |
Nabtesco Proteor – USA | Booth# 460 | www.nabtesco-proteor-usa.com |
Naked Prosthetics | Booth# 708 | www.nakedprosthetics.com |
National Commission on O&P Education | Booth# 479 | www.ncope.org |
National Orthotic and Prosthetic Appeal Advocates | Booth# 714 | www.opappeals.com |
Nearly Me Technologies, LLC | Booth# 840 | www.nearlyme.org/ |
New Options Sports | Booth# 256 | www.newoptionssports.com |
New Step Orthotic Lab Inc. | Booth# 560 | www.newsteporthotics.com |
Nolaro24, LLC | Booth# 562 | www.thequadrastepsystem.com |
nora systems, Inc. | Booth# 444 | www.nora-shoe.com |
North Sea Plastics LTD | Booth# 809 | www.northseaplastics.com |
Northwestern Uni. & Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago- Center for Bionic | Booth# 664 | www.amputeeresearch.com/ |
OPAF & the First Clinics | Booth# 279 | www.opafonline.org |
OPIE Software | Booth# 261 | www.oandp.com |
O&P EDGE/Western Media LLC | Booth# 361 | www.oandp.com/edge |
O&P News | Booth# 607 | www.oandpbiznews.com |
OP Solutions Inc./ OP Marketing | Booth# 720 | opmarketing.com |
OPTEC USA, INC | Booth# 439 | www.optecusa.com |
Orfit Industries America | Booth# 616 | www.orfit.com |
Orthomerica Products Inc. | Booth# 245, 249 | www.orthomerica.com |
ORTHOSERVICE AG | Booth# 557 | www.orthoservice.com |
Orthotic & Prosthetic Group of America (OPGA) | Booth# 413 | www.opga.com |
Orthotic & Prosthetic Equipment Corporation | Booth# 580 | www.optable.com |
Orthotics Prosthetics Canada | Booth# 818 | www.opcanada.ca |
Össur Americas Inc. | Booth# 401 | www.ossur.com |
Ottobock | Booth# 201 | www.ottobockus.com |
Bio: Ottobock is the global leader in prosthetic and orthotic technology. With our mission to maintain and regain the freedom of movement, we provide the most advanced clinical solutions for people with limb loss and limb deficiency. | ||
Paceline, Inc. | Booth# 615 | www.paceline.com |
Parker Hannifin Corporation | Booth# 146 | www.indego.com |
PEL | Booth# 531 | www.pelsupply.com |
Pinnacle Prosthetic Labs | Booth# 262 | www.pinnlab.com |
PMT Corporation | Booth# 656 | www.pmtcorp.com |
Polygel LLC | Booth# 816 | www.polygel.com |
POSI/Physio O&P | Booth# 268 | www.physiocorp.com |
p.w. minor | Booth# 838 | www.pwminor.com |
Pro-Tech Orthopedics | Booth# 167 | www.protech-intl.com |
ProtoKinetics LLC | Booth# 839 | www.protokinetics.com |
Renia GmbH | Booth# 345 | www.renia.com |
Restorative Care of America | Booth# 642 | www.rcai.com |
Roboticom – Fabrica Machinale SRL | Booth# 455 | www.roboticom.it |
Rodin 4D | Booth# 612 | www.rodin4d.com |
Royal Knit Inc. | Booth# 136 | www.royalknit.com |
RS Print | Booth# 161 | www.rsprint.com |
Sensor Medica SAS | Booth# 275 | www.sensormedica.com |
Silipos Inc. | Booth# 704 | www.silipos.com |
Simona America Inc. | Booth# 157 | www.simona-america.com |
Soletech Inc. | Booth# 468 | www.soletech.com |
SOLS | Booth# 814 | www.sols.com |
Spinal Technology Inc. | Booth# 137 | www.spinaltech.com |
SPS | Booth# 113 | www.spsco.com |
St. Petersburg College | Booth# 377 | www.spcollege.edu/op |
ST&G USA Corp. | Booth# 121 | www.stngco.com |
Standard Cyborg | Booth# 830 | www.standardcyborg.com |
SteeperUSA | Booth# 625 | www.steeperusa.com |
Streifeneder USA | Booth# 143 | www.streifeneder-usa.com |
SureStep | Booth# 349 | www.surestep.net |
Tamarack Habilitation Technologies Inc. | Booth# 432 | www.tamarackhti.com |
Texas Chapter of the American Academy of Orthotists & Prosthetists | Booth# 576 | www.txaaop.org |
ThyssenKrupp AIN Plastics | Booth# 561 | www.ainplastics.com |
Tillges Technologies LLC | Booth# 369 | www.pressureguardian.com |
Top Shelf Orthopedics | Booth# 461 | www.topshelforthopedics.com |
Touch Bionics | Booth# 541 | www.touchbionics.com |
Townsend Design | Booth# 525 | www.townsenddesign.com |
TRS Inc. (Therapeutic Recreation Systems Inc.) | Booth# 712 | www.trsprothetics.com |
Trulife | Booth# 313 | www.trulife.com |
Turbomed Orthotics | Booth# 568 | www.turbomedorthotics.com |
Ultraflex Systems | Booth# 654 | www.ultraflexsystems.com |
UNYQ | Booth# 719 | www.unyq.com |
US Member Society – ISPO | Booth# 380 | www.usispo.org |
Vorum | Booth# 449 | www.vorum.com |
Welso Medical LLC | Booth# 474 | www.welsomedical.com |
WillowWood | Booth# 221 | www.willowwoodco.com |
Xi’an Boao Prosthetic & Orthotic Company Ltd. | Booth# 476 | www.xaboao.com |
XIAMEN Chengl, Medical Equipment Co. LTD | Booth# 564 | www.clylmedical.com |