Membership Categories


AOPA has reviewed its dues structure over the past year to ensure not only that we continue to provide you with high-quality services, programs, and benefits that you expect from AOPA, but that the dues are equitable across membership types and levels. The new structure is also more sustainable for AOPA in the changing O&P landscape. AOPA staff worked with a consultant who specializes in association memberships to ensure the use of best practices in the review.

The new dues structure recently approved by the Board will be effective for the 2025 cycle and will affect all AOPA member organizations. Your organization may see a slight decrease or a slight increase. For Patient Care Facilities we are transitioning from dues based on number of affiliates to dues based on annual revenue. All affiliates will be included without an additional fee and all on-demand AOPAversity education will be accessible for free.

Supplier members’ dues will continue to be based on revenue.

Patient Care Facility

  • Annual revenue under $999,999: $2,595
  • Annual revenue $1-4.9M: $3,095
  • Annual revenue $5 – 19.9M: $4,295
  • Annual revenue $20-$50M: $5,995
  • Annual revenue >$50M: to be determined on a case-by-case basis

To be eligible for AOPA membership, the following criteria must be met:

  • Firm must be principally engaged in providing orthotic and/or prosthetic care to patients
  • Firm must employ a practitioner certified by and in good standing with any of the following:
    • American Board for Certification in Orthotics and Prosthetics (ABC)
    • Board for Orthotist/Prosthetist Certification (BOC)
    • Licensed by the state in which the facility operates

Patient care facility membership is open to eligible firms in the United States and its territories. This is a voting membership.

You’ve worked hard to grow your business.
Get ALL of your locations in front of the case managers and prospective patients who use AOPA company listings by including them as affiliate members!



Annual Sales Range


Consultant <$500,000 $525 single proprietor providing professional or expert advice earning less than $500K annually
Start-up $1,895 Eligibility is for 2 years, then advances to next member category based on annual sales revenue. New members only.
Supplier 1 $0 – $499,999 $3,395
Supplier 2 $500,000 – $999,999 $4,495
Supplier 3 $1,000,000 – $1,999,999 $6,095
Supplier 4 $2,000,000 – $9,999,999 $11,895
Supplier 5 $10,000,000 – $19,999,999 $13,995
Supplier 6 $20,000,000 – $49,999,998 $17,095
Supplier 7 >$50,000,000 determined on a case-by-case basis

To be eligible for AOPA membership, a firm must be principally engaged in the manufacture or sale of materials, components, tools, or equipment used in fabricating orthoses or prostheses.

Providing O&P services may also qualify a firm for supplier membership. Dues are based on annual gross sales volume.
This is a voting membership.

Additional (Affiliate) Locations

Will the customers and patients who use AOPA company listings see YOU or your competition? Ensure that your O&P company receives maximum visibility and include all your locations as affiliate members! Affiliates also receive separate listings in the online Membership Directory — a resource used by case managers, prospective patients; and customers to locate O&P businesses for patient care.

An affiliate location represents a branch or subsidiary location of a company (patient care facility), supplier, or educational and research member. Affiliates are no longer an additional fee.

This is not a voting membership.

Education & Research Institutions – $2,295

Any program engaged in performing research and/or providing formal education in orthotics and/or prosthetics may apply for membership. This category is also eligible to access AOPAversity courses for free.

This is a voting membership.

International – $1,195

Any firm meeting the requirements of the Patient Care Facility membership that is not located in a U.S. state or territory.

This is not a voting membership.

Join AOPA today Online or via Fillable Form!

Memberships are based on the calendar year, January 1 to December 31. Please note that AOPA does prorate memberships for those that join during the year, but only for Patient Care Facilities not Suppliers.

Important Tax Note

Due to federal lobbying law requirements, 23% of your AOPA dues is not deductible as ordinary and necessary business expenses. Dues are not deductible as charitable contributions. Please consult your tax adviser for further guidance.