Welcome to the AOPA Co-OP, a compendium of O&P!
An online reimbursement, coding, and policy resource, the Co-OP includes a collection of detailed information with links to supporting documentation for the topics most important to AOPA Members. A Wikipedia of all things O&P, it incorporates a crowdsourcing component, which is vetted by AOPA staff, to garner the vast knowledge and experience of our membership.
Each AOPA member company receives one license, but multiple people can use the same login at the same time. Please assign one contact for your company. To sign up, please email mfabber@aopanet.org.
Already signed up? Sign in to your account.
There’s also an App! Once you’ve signed up, download it to your mobile device (iPhone or Android) . Enter aopanet.atlassian.net as the domain, your email and password from the Co-OP.
Questions about the Co-OP or your company’s account? Email info@AOPAnet.org.