Lifetime Achievement Award Nomination

AOPA’s Lifetime Achievement Award honors outstanding leaders who have made significant contributions to the advancement of patient care in the orthotics and prosthetics profession over their lifetimes. They represent the brightest, and most influential minds in the field. The Lifetime Achievement Award is the highest honor bestowed upon an individual by AOPA.

If you have any questions, please contact Previous award winners can be found here.

Nominations Process

AOPA members are invited to nominate individuals they believe are deserving of a Lifetime Achievement Award. Applications, in the form of a nomination, must include a detailed description of the nominee’s contributions to the profession and patients we serve.  Nominations will remain on file and will be considered in each of the next three award cycles after submission. Self-nominations are not accepted. Nominations for the 2023 Lifetime Achievement Award are accepted through June 13, 2023.

 Selection Process

Once the nomination period has closed, a selection committee comprised of the AOPA Board of Directors (or appointed selection committee) reviews all nominations and selects one individual to receive the Lifetime Achievement Award based on the criteria below.


The Lifetime Achievement Award is intended for individuals with at least 2 decades of documented accomplishments in the orthotics and prosthetics profession that have had a significant impact on individuals and/or organizations.  The impact may be demonstrated in one or more of the following ways:

  • Volunteerism – The individual has contributed substantial time and expertise to the profession and the patients we serve in the form of humanitarian service, meaningful contributions to national and/or state O&P organizations or at an academic institute.
  • Research – The individual has contributed substantial time and expertise to further the profession.
  • Inventions and/or Products – The individual has developed influential tools, models, or devices that have significantly advanced processes and/or patient outcomes.
  • Presentations and Publications – The individual has made meaningful contributions to the body of knowledge in orthotics or prosthetics through conference presentations, articles, books, etc.
  • Programs & Projects: The individual designed or implemented one or more high-impact programs or projects that have been widely replicated.
  • Service & Mentorship: The individual has contributed substantial time and expertise to help build the profession through organizations or networks, serving on relevant boards or committees, and/or mentoring others).


AOPA members may nominate any individual who meets the criteria above for a Lifetime Achievement Award. Nominees do not have to be associated with an AOPA member organization. Self-nominations are not accepted.

2024 Timeline

May 17: Nominations Open

June 13: Nominations Deadline

August 1: Awardee Selected and Announced

September 12-15: Award Presented at 2024 National Assembly