HCPCS Code Changes for 2020

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has released the new Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) codes for 2020, and there were a few minor changes. Below is a complete breakdown of the code changes which will be effective for claims with a date of service on or after January 1, 2020.

New Codes

HCPCS Descriptor
L2006 Knee ankle foot device, any material, single or double upright, swing and/or stance phase microprocessor control with adjustability, includes all components (e.g., sensors, batteries, charger), any type activation, with or without ankle joint(s), custom fabricated
L8033 Nipple prosthesis, custom fabricated, reusable, any material, any type, each


Change to Code Descriptor

HCPCS New Descriptor Previous Descriptor
L8032 Nipple prosthesis, prefabricated, reusable, any type, each Nipple prosthesis,reusable, any type, each


AOPA’s Coding and Reimbursement Committee will review the list of changes and provide appropriate comments to CMS.

As a reminder registration is still open for the December 11, 2019 AOPAversity webinar, New Codes for 2020, Other Updates & Yearly Round-up which will focus on these changes to the HCPCS code set and any other upcoming Medicare changes which may impact your business in 2020.

Questions regarding the code changes may be directed to Joe McTernan at jmcternan@AOPAnet.org or Devon Bernard at dbernard@AOPAnet.org.