Social Media Presenter

AOPA encourages National Assembly speakers to utilize their social networks before, during, and after the event to help market their session and gain exposure as an expert on this topic.  Below you will find tips and examples to help you jump-start your individual social media strategy.

Event Details
2021 National Assembly
September 9-11, 2021  in Boston, MA
September 16-18, 2021 Virtual

Official Hashtag: #AOPA2021
Please include the official hashtag (#AOPA2021) each time you post a message that pertains to AOPA or the National Assembly to make it searchable.

Sample Posts 

  • I’m excited to announce that I’ve been selected to speak at the 2021 National Assembly on <topic>! Check out my recent post on the topic! #AOPA2021
  • Join <co-presenter’s name> and me as we present <topic> at the 2021 National Assembly! #AOPA2021
  • <Ask a question relating to your sessions topic>? Learn ________________at my 2021 National Assembly session! #AOPA2021
  • <Link to a recent article on your topic.> <Make a statement about your topic>! Join me this September to learn ___________________ at the 2021 National Assembly. #AOPA2021

Many times when using social media you not only want to shrink a link, but you also want to be able to track the number of people who have checked the link. If you are posting to social media, consider creating a free account so you can do both.

Have questions? AOPA staff is here to help.
Joy Burwell, Director of Communications and Membership
Ryan Gleeson, Assistant Manager of Meetings