2. Medicare O&P Improvements Act- Issue Paper
a. S.2125 (112th Congress Bill #)The Medicare O&P Improvements Act
b. H.R. 1958 (112th Congress Bill #)The Medicare O&P Improvements Act
3. Support for Implementation of Insurance Fairness for Amputees Act
a. S. 773 (112th Congress Bill #)The Insurance Fairness of Amputees Act
b. H.R. 4175 (112th Congress Bill #)The Insurance Fairness for Amputees Act
4. Injured and Amputee Veterans Bill of Rights– NAAOP Issue Paper
a. H.R. 805 (112th Congress Bill #) The Injured and Amputee Veterans Bill of Rights
1. AOPA Public Service Announcement
2. Medicare Recovery Audit Contractors and Medicare Pre-Payment Audits-Issues Paper
a. A joint Congressional letter to HHS Secretary Sebelius
3. Outcomes-Based Research/Evidence-Based Practice– Issue Paper
4. Orthotic and Prosthetic Education– Issue Paper
5. Custom Orthotics & Prosthetics Remain Exempt from Competitive Bidding– Issue Paper
a. Amputee Coalition and AOPA Joint Letter to Congress
6. Orthotics & Prosthetics Remain Covered as an Essential Health Benefits– Issue Paper