The O&P PAC is AOPA’s political action committee (PAC) representing the O&P profession on Capitol Hill. The O&P PAC focuses on seeking out key legislators on key committees, who have demonstrated an interest and concern for the issues facing the O&P community.
- provides increased access to members of Congress so we can tell our story
- increases visibility and recognition of O&P on Capitol Hill
- helps ensure the reelection of our friends in Congress
- combines individual contributions for a greater impact
- is the only PAC representing the O&P industry and profession on Capitol Hill
The future of O&P depends on decisions made by Congress, and with O&P being a niche profession, a strong PAC helps level the playing field.
- Rick Riley, Chair
- Scott Schneider
- Teri Kuffel, JD
- Maynard Carkhuff
- Mahesh Mansukhani
- Bernie Veldman, CO
- Arlene Gillis, CP
- Joe McTernan, Treasurer
O&P PAC FAQs | Contact for More Information
What is the Capitol Connection?
Capitol Connection is a fund established by AOPA to supplement and support its government relations program including:
- special studies to support our legislative and regulatory positions;
- support of the AOPA Policy Forum;
- publications to build a well-informed team of AOPA members; and
- other extraordinary projects that advance AOPA’s government relations agenda.
Capitol Connection is not to be confused with the O&P PAC, the registered political action committee (PAC) representing O&P providers and suppliers. The O&P PAC enables AOPA to contribute to the campaigns of members of Congress who share our concerns and support the future of O&P.
Contributions to Capitol Connection may be made in the form of a personal check or drawn on corporate or business accounts. Voluntary corporate contributions may be deductible as ordinary and necessary business expenses but not deductible as charitable contributions. Please consult your tax advisor to assess your individual tax situation.
You can contribute to the Capitol Connection fund via mail/fax by downloading a Capitol Connection donation form.
For more information on the Capitol Connection contact Morgan Fabber.