As a first step, AOPA must obtain prior written approval from member companies in order to promote the PAC and solicit contributions from the entire membership. To give prior approval, member companies sign an Authorization Card that identifies which employees, if any, they want PAC information sent to. The Authorization Card states that they have given this authorization to only one trade association for the calendar year. Signing this card does not obligate anyone to contribute. To take this first step, Complete an Authorization Card on-line!
Once most of the member companies have signed the Authorization Card, the PAC can go onto the second step in the process: promoting the PAC to the entire membership. Promoting the O&P PAC to all members at one time allows AOPA to sponsor a greater variety of activities, which in turn makes it easier to raise PAC funds. Activities such as mailings, special events and receptions could be done on a larger basis with more members participating.
We are committed to seeing O&P become a more active player in the health care field and to help with this effort, all AOPA members should take the first step in this process and sign the PAC Authorization Card. Together, we can make a difference in the future of O&P.
For more information about the O&P PAC or the Authorization Cards, you may contact, Devon Bernard at AOPA at (571) 431-0854 ( )