PAC Donors


AOPA would like to thank the following individuals for their recent contributions to the O&P PAC, the political action committee representing you and the O&P community, on Capitol Hill. The PAC provides you with a means of increasing the visibility and recognition of orthotics and prosthetics among legislators. It allows individuals to unite and pool their resources to support candidates for federal office who understand the crucial role of O&P in the health care delivery system.

Ryan Arbogast; Curt Bertram, CPO; Jeffrey Brandt, CPO; George Breece; Victor Bustamente, LPO; Russell Cannon; Maynard Carkhuff; Tina Carlson; Kevin Clarke; raci Dralle, CFm; Daryl Farler, CPA; Marty Frana; Elizabeth Ginzel, MHA, LPO, CPO; Kimberly Hanson; John Kenney, LPO, CPO, FAAOP; Jim Kingsley; Charles Kuffel, CPO; Teri Kuffel, JD; Robert Leaber III, CPO; Eve Lee; William Lester, CPO; James Liston, CP, FAAOP; David McGill; Martin McNab, CPO; Joe McTernan; Sam Miller; Matthew Nelson, CPO; Rick Riley; Lesleigh Sisson, CFm; Nicole Ver Kuilen; Susann Vicino; Todd Westlake, CPO; Ashlie White; Dennis Williams, CO, BOC (O); Linda Wise; Shane Wurdeman, PhD, CP; James Young, CP

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