
AHRQ Announces Systematic Review of Clinical Literature on Lower Limb Prostheses

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), the “government agency tasked with producing evidence to improve the quality of healthcare while working with partners to ensure that the evidence is understood and used” recently announced that it will be initiating a systematic review for lower limb prostheses.  The systematic review will be performed through […]

O&P and Other Subject to RAC Audits Greatly Interested by U.S. District Court Decision to Reject an HHS Request for Delay of Court Action in Hospital Suit Challenging ALJ Delays in Excess of Statutory 90 Day

In 2014, the American Hospital Association filed suit in the federal District Court seeking relief because HHS and the Office of Medicare Hearings and Appeals (OMHA) have for many years egregiously exceeded the statutory provision which assures a provider who must return money to Medicare as a result of an audit a final ALJ decision […]

White House Design For All Showcase

White House Fashion Show celebrates inclusive design, assistive technology, and prostheses. #DesignForAll See a video of the fashion show, provided by the White House, as well as a recording of the closing remarks by Alison Cernich, Director of NICHD National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research, below. Alison Cernich discusses an ambitious research plan mapped by […]

The 99th Annual National Assembly – Another Success!

AOPA has cruised through another successful National Assembly – the 99th! – with more than 2200 attendees from O&P and related disciplines joining us in Boston, September 8-11. The drum and fife band welcomed the crowd to Boston and helped us open the 100,000 sq. ft. Exhibit Hall of over 160 exhibitors. The Assembly featured […]