Abstract Submission Deadline Approaching: March 25, 2019

AOPA and the California Orthotic and Prosthetic Association calls on you to share your knowledge and expertise through a unique and valuable speaking opportunity.  You are invited to submit an education session proposal for presentation at the 2019 National Assembly, September 25-28, 2019 in San Diego, California.

Your submissions will set the stage for a broad curriculum of high-value clinical and scientific offerings at the National Assembly. All free paper abstracts must be submitted electronically. Abstracts submitted by e-mail or fax will not be considered. All abstracts will be considered for both podium and poster presentations. The review committee will grade each submission via a blind review process, based on the criteria below and reach a decision regarding acceptance of abstracts.

  • Relevance, level of interest in topics
  • Quality of Scientific Content
  • Quality of Clinical Content
  • Quality of Technical Content

We are accepting submissions for the following categories:

Clinical Free Papers – Present an Orthotic, Prosthetic or Pedorthic Free Paper. The top scoring papers will compete for the prestigious Thranhardt Award.

Technician Program – Submit your Technical education paper for submission the Technical Track.

Symposia – If you are interested in organizing a Symposium.

Business Education Program – The top papers will be considered for the prestigious Sam E. Hamontree, CP (E) Business Education Award.


All papers are due March 25, 2019.