On Thursday, March 31 the DME MACs and the PDAC released a comprehensive correct coding bulletin for all Upper Extremity Prostheses (UEP). In the bulletin they stated that the correct coding of an UEP base code, and addition codes, are dependent on two main factors: the level of amputation and the prostheses’ power source.
The bulletin incorporates information from previous DME MAC/PDAC correct coding reminders, such as the one for Articulating Digits and Prosthetic Hands, but also includes additional information on the proper coding of all aspects of the UEP including: cable systems, suspension systems, and test sockets.
You may review the full UEP coding reminder here.
AOPA with the help of its Coding & Reimbursement Committee and prosthetic manufacturers is currently reviewing this bulletin to determine how it will impact our membership and will provide all appropriate comments and feedback to the DME MACs and the PDAC.
We would also appreciate you sharing your feedback and concerns with us via My O&P Community or info@AOPAnet.org.
Questions? Contact Joe McTernan at jmcternan@AOPAnet.org or Devon Bernard dbernard@AOPAnet.org.