AOPA World Congress ~ September 6-9, 2017 ~ Las Vegas The best and the brightest clinical and business speakers. The biggest O&P exhibit hall. Networking with the most influential people in the industry. The fun events. More than 32 CE’s… Need any more reasons to attend the 2017 AOPA World Congress? How about Las Vegas? […]
Important Update Regarding RAC Announcement On Audit of L5845 – Issue Has Been Removed from the RAC Website
In the April 20, 2017 AOPA in Advance: SmartBrief newsletter, AOPA announced that Performant Recovery, the contractor who serves as the national recovery audit contractor (RAC) for all Medicare DMEPOS, Hospice and Home Health services, had announced that it would begin performing an automated review on claims involving HCPCS code L5845 billed in conjunction with specific […]
AOPA Meets with HHS Leadership
On April 27, AOPA met with several key members of the HHS Leadership team to discuss issues important to O&P. In attendance were HHS and CMS officials John Brooks, J.D., Counselor to HHS Secretary on Medicare, Policy Advisor Amanda Street and several AOPA key leaders, including AOPA President Michael Oros, CPO, FAAOP; AOPA Executive Director […]
Action Alert: Your Comments Are Needed
In December 2016 the Academy, on behalf of the O&P Alliance, sought your assistance in responding to a request from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Call for Comments on key questions related to Lower Limb Prosthesis. The Academy, in conjunction with the O&P Alliance, submitted a detailed formal response to that request.* […]
Nominate an O&P Inventor or Innovator
AOPA is celebrating its 100th Anniversary in 2017 and we are pulling out all stops during the September 6-9 World Congress, where we will showcase significant milestones of the Association and Profession through our “Walk Through Time” historical display as well as awards to honor those who have made a significant contribution to patient care […]
AOPA Submits Comments on Connecticut Medicaid Policy Changes on Cranial Orthoses and other L Codes
On March 30, AOPA submitted comments on two recently announced Connecticut Medicaid policies. The proposed changes include the elimination of some L-Codes from the Connecticut Medicaid fee schedule due to lack of utilization, as well as a 10% reduction in the fee schedule for several custom fitted or custom fabricated orthosis HCPCS codes. One proposed […]
ABC to Sponsor Presidential Papers at 2017 AOPA World Congress
AOPA is pleased to announce that the American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics & Pedorthics (ABC) will sponsor the 2017 World Congress’ Presidential Papers – representing the top-ten clinical education submissions of original research and backed by a full manuscript. The Presidential Papers will be published in a special supplement of the Journal of […]
House Positioning on H.R. 1628, the ‘American Health Care Act’
As you are aware from the major news outlets, after a substantial ‘run-up’ and negotiations, the House leadership cancelled votes that had been slated for both Thursday and Friday on the House legislation to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA), entitled H.R. 1628, the “American Health Care Act” (AHCA). What will this mean, […]
AOPA Submits Comments on CMS’ Qualified Provider Proposal
On March 13, AOPA submitted comments on the CMS proposal “Proposed Rule on Medicare Requirements for Qualified Practitioners and Qualified Suppliers of Prosthetics and Custom-Fabricated Orthotics”. This is the proposal that would enact the long awaited provisions of Section 1834(h) of the Social Security Act, which establishes requirements for qualified suppliers and qualified practitioners, and […]
American Health Care Act Draft Legislation Released
On March 6, 2017, both the House Energy and Commerce Committee and the House Ways and Committee released draft legislation, the “American Health Care Act,” to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Each Committee will mark-up its respective policies on March 8, 2017. After mark-up, the House Budget Committee will combine the bills […]