We hope this note finds you and your loved ones safe and well. We are reaching out today with an announcement about the 2020 National Assembly. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the American Orthotic and Prosthetic Association (AOPA) has decided that the in-person 2020 National Assembly that was scheduled to take place September 9-12 […]
Take Action in Support of Reimbursement for Telehealth
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an increasing reliance on telehealth and other virtual forms of patient interaction. However, under the current billing structure, orthotists and prosthetists are unable to submit claims for certain Medicare services despite being considered essential providers. Key members of Congress are currently circulating a letter to be sent to Secretary […]
COVID-19 Update: DME MACs Publish Guidance Regarding Physician Telehealth Visits During COVID-19
AOPA staff recently participated in educational webinars presented by the Durable Medical Equipment Medicare Administrative Contractors (DME MACs) and on DME MAC provider advisory councils during which they confirmed that physicians, including MDs and DOs that are certifying the medical need for diabetic shoes may utilize telehealth to fulfill face-to-face encounter requirements during the COVID-19 […]
COVID-19 Update: Additional Provider Relief
As part of the CARES Act, Congress established a Provider Relief Fund, with $50 billion allocated to Medicare facilities and providers impacted by COVID-19 and based on eligible providers’ 2018 net patient revenue. Many AOPA member received funding when the initial $30 billion was distributed between April 10 and 17. Late last week, the Department […]
COVID-19 Update: CMS Announces Suspension of Medicare Advance Payment Program during COVID-19 Public Health Emergency
Yesterday, April 26, 2020, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced that it is re-evaluating payments made to Medicare Part A providers through the recently expanded Accelerated Payment Program and suspending the Advance Payment Program for Medicare Part B providers effective immediately. The Medicare Accelerated and Advance Payment Program (AAP) is a longstanding […]
COVID-19 Update: CMS Payments to O&P Providers
Among many other financial stipulations, the CARES Act, signed into law late last month, provides $100 billion to certain healthcare providers, including O&P providers. To expedite providers getting money as quickly as possible, $30 billion is being distributed beginning TODAY, April 10, proportionate to providers’ share of Medicare fee-for-service reimbursements in 2019. All facilities and […]
COVID-19 Update: CMS Expands Medicare Accelerated and Advance Payment Program During COVID-19 Public Health Emergency
As part of its ongoing efforts to provide relief during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE), the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has expanded the Medicare Accelerated and Advanced Payment Program to temporarily increase cash flow for impacted providers. The program, which has been in existence for many years, is “intended to provide […]
COVID-19 Update: CMS Suspends Most Audit Activities-Updated
This is an update to the April 2, 2020 announcement, where AOPA informed you that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) have suspended most Medicare fee-for-service medical review activity for the duration of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE). AOPA has confirmed that CMS, effective immediately, will also not be sending out any […]
COVID-19 Update: CMS Suspends Most Audit Activities
In response to the declaration of a public health emergency (PHE) due to COVID-19, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has suspended most Medicare fee-for-service medical review activity (audits) for the duration of the PHE. The suspension of audits includes pre-payment reviews by the DME MACs under the Targeted Probe and Educate (TPE) […]
COVID-19 Update: CMS Pauses Medicare DMEPOS Prior Authorization Program and Provides Other Regulatory Relief in Response to COVID-19
On March 30, 2020, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced several temporary regulatory waivers intended “to equip the American health care system with maximum flexibility to respond to the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.” Included in the announcement was a notice that CMS will pause the national DMEPOS prior authorization program […]