
AOPA Announces Winners of 2017-2018 Pilot Grant Awards

In February, AOPA, in partnership with the Center for O&P Learning & Evidence-Based Practice (COPL), announced a Request for Pilot Grant Proposals in 16 potential areas of orthotic and prosthetic research including an open topic. A record 38 proposals were received in response to the request for proposals, and the board took the extraordinary step of […]

AOPA Needs a New Logo

AOPA is getting a new logo for 2018, and we need your help! We are reaching out to the O&P Profession and designers around the world to enter a contest to design the new logo. One winner will receive $500, and the contest ends July 31, 2017. AOPA has used a different variations of the […]

Committee Approved: Bipartisan Bills to Improve Medicare, Protect Taxpayers

In conjunction with our continuing efforts to advance the provisions of H.R. 2599/ S.1191, the Medicare Orthotics & Prosthetics Improvement Act, we are pleased to advise you that the provision which would assure that the prosthetist/orthotist patient notes are included as part of the official Medicare medical record for purposes of medical necessity determinations has […]

AOPA and the Amputee Coalition Hold Joint News Conference

Listen to the audio of this news event. GROUPS:  AMPUTEES HAVE MUCH TO LOSE IF HEALTH CARE REFORM UNDERCUTS KEY ASPECTS OF SAFETY NET  WASHINGTON, D.C.///June 29, 2017///Many of the two million Americans who are amputees – including military veterans, accident victims, and older Americans – could lose care and the mobility and liberty that […]

Special on July-December Webinars

Subscribe to the July-December half-year series and get 3 free webinars. This includes 2 bonus webinars added as part of Healthcare Compliance & Ethics Week, that are free to all AOPA members with no purchase required. Stay on top of all relevant reimbursement issues and earn 1.5 CE credits each month. One registration is all […]

Introducing the AOPA Co-OP

AOPA is proud to announce the launch of a new AOPA member benefit. The Co-OP, an online reimbursement, coding and policy resource, will serve as a collection of concise, but detailed information with links to supporting documentation for the topics most important to AOPA Members. Like a Wikipedia of all things O&P, the Co-OP will […]

The 2017 AOPA World Congress Preliminary Program is Available

The preliminary program is now available! See the amazing line-up of physicians, researchers, and top-notch practitioners presenting on the education you need in this changing health care environment: the triple aim, advanced technologies, integrated care, osseointegration, cybersecurity, diabetic foot care, documentation and reimbursement, 3-D printing and much, much more. Register and learn more.

Jurisdiction C DME MAC Announces Pre-Payment Review of Microprocessor Knee Code

On May 4, 2017, CGS Administrators, LLC, the Durable Medical Equipment Medicare Administrative Contractor (DME MAC) for Jurisdiction C, announced the initiation of a widespread pre-payment review for HCPCS code L5856-Addition to lower extremity prosthesis, endoskeletal knee-shin system, microprocessor control feature, swing and stance phase, includes electronic sensor(s), any type.  L5856 is used as an […]

AOPA 2017 World Congress Registration is Open!

AOPA World Congress ~ September 6-9, 2017 ~ Las Vegas The best and the brightest clinical and business speakers. The biggest O&P exhibit hall. Networking with the most influential people in the industry. The fun events. More than 32 CE’s… Need any more reasons to attend the 2017 AOPA World Congress? How about Las Vegas? […]