
Website Maintenance Planned

On October 5, 2020 we will be launching our new association management software (AMS) that will offer many new capabilities to AOPA members. During the roll-out of the new platform, the current AMS will be offline from September 24, 2020 to October 1, 2020. AOPA members will be familiar with our current AMS if you […]

AFO/KAFO Policy Article Revision

Recently, AOPA asked the DME MACs to clarify this existing language in the AFO/KAFO Policy Article related to custom fabricated braces: In addition, if the item is custom fabricated, a complete and clear description of the item, including what makes this item unique, and a breakdown of charges (material and labor used in fabrication). This […]

COVID-19 Update: Provider Relief Fund Reporting

On September 19, 2020, the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released guidance articulating how to account for lost revenues and expenses and addressing recipient reporting requirements for those receiving Provider Relief Fund (PRF) payments. The guidance applies generally to PRF recipients that received one or more PRF payments exceeding $10,000. The $10,000 reporting threshold […]

The 2020 American Orthotic and Prosthetic Annual National Assembly Begins This Week

Washington, DC (September 8, 2020) – The American Orthotic and Prosthetic Association (AOPA) will virtually host 1,000 orthotic, prosthetic, and pedorthic professionals for the 2020 AOPA Virtual National Assembly starting tomorrow, September 9-12. The Assembly is the country’s oldest and largest meeting for the orthotic, prosthetic, and pedorthic profession, this includes companies that manufacture and […]

DME MACs Clarify AFO/KAFO Policy Article Language Regarding Custom Fabricated Orthoses

The DME MACs have recently clarified language in the AFO/KAFO Policy Article that currently states the following: MISCELLANEOUS In addition, if the item is custom fabricated, a complete and clear description of the item, including what makes this item unique, and a breakdown of charges (material and labor used in fabrication). This information should be […]

Member Research Initiative Highlight: Hanger

The American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation recently published a study suggesting that early delivery of a prosthesis following amputation is associated with up to a 25 percent reduction in overall direct healthcare costs.  In a recent webinar, a panel of experts reviewed the study’s findings while assessing their impact on patients’ day-to-day lives, and several questions arose […]

Announcing Partnership with Amputee Coalition

The American Orthotic and Prosthetic Association (AOPA) is pleased to announce a new partnership with the Amputee Coalition with the goal of providing AOPA members with additional resources to better serve their patients. As a result of this partnership, AOPA members will now be considered Amputee Coalition Partners and will: Be listed on the Amputee […]

CGS Post Payment Review for L0650 Announcement

In July, we informed you that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced the resumption of certain audit activity beginning on August 3, 2020. CMS clarified that they will not be restarting all audits on August 3, but instead due to the continued Public Health Emergency (PHE) will be implementing a phased approach […]

2020-2021 COPL Grant Recipients Announced

The Board of Directors of the American Orthotic and Prosthetic Association (AOPA) and the Center for Orthotic and Prosthetic Learning and Outcomes/Evidence-Based Practice (COPL) has selected its 2020-2021 COPL grant recipients. Congratulations to: Sarah R. Chang, PhD, “Develop Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines for Vacuum-Assisted Socket Suspension Systems” Jonathan D. Day, “Non-invasive method for quantifying progress […]

Take Action: Support O&P and its Patients

On August 6, the Senate introduced the Medicare O&P Patient-Centered Care Act (S. 4503). This bipartisan legislation would improve access to, and quality of, orthotic and prosthetic care while simultaneously combatting fraud and abuse. The Senate bill is identical to the one introduced in the House late last year (H.R. 5262). The American Orthotic and […]