Litigation Fund Draws Impressive Response

More than 125 companies and individuals have responded with their pocketbooks to help fund the huge lawsuit expense of the AOPA lawsuit  against CMS on behalf of members to stop the craziness that’s disrupting patient care and driving long time O&P providers out of business. $33,200, with contributions ranging in size from $100 to $3,000, has been contributed to date by nearly 13% of the companies in the AOPA membership. Clawbacks of payments for previously approved and paid claims have devastated many O&P businesses so it’s an act of faith and confidence on the part of members that AOPA is doing the right thing by suing CMS. Members know the arduous path AOPA followed over 20 months since the August 2011 HHS Office of Inspector General Report inferring fraud in lower limb prosthetics.  AOPA and O&P Alliance meetings with CMS top officials including three meetings with Administrator Tavenner have not yielded any resolution.  The audits have only accelerated and become more widespread and harmful to patients and members.

 Make donation to the AOPA Litigation and Research Fund

We know the financial straits many member find themselves in due the RAC and prepayment audits but please give strong consideration to making a contribution and become a charter member of the Heritage Club and receive the deserved ongoing recognition for helping preserve the future of O&P and your business. The large  plaque displayed at future annual events with company names, identifying ribbons attached to World Congress and future National Assembly badges will serve as reminder of how the O&P community stepped up to assure their own survival in the years  to come. As noted in our earlier letter to members announcing the lawsuit,  our world is changing and this may be only the first in a series of legal actions that offer the only pathway for survival.  Lawsuits and research may be the central issues going forward in our changing world. Any contributions will be used only for those purposes – litigation and necessary research.

Please make your online donation and if you haven’t reviewed the complaint AOPA filed against CMS, you may view it online.