The AOPA National Assembly Clinical Sessions Workgroup has issued a call for papers for the 102nd Annual AOPA National Assembly to be held September 25-28, 2019 in San Diego, California. The submission deadline is March 25, 2019. Share your expertise and advance your career by being part of the country’s longest serving and largest meeting for the orthotic, prosthetic and pedorthic profession.
- Papers are being accepted for podium, poster and/or symposium sessions for each of the five concurrent education tracks (orthotic, prosthetic, pedorthic, technician, and business). For more information or to submit a paper go to our dedicated web page
- All submission must be submitted electronically.
- Before submitting a paper, please review the model abstract which also provides additional information about the submission process. The model abstract is available at
For general information about the Assembly
Email: or call Ryan Gleeson at (571) 431-0836.