
COVID-19 Update: Clarification on Emergency-Based Waivers Guidance

AOPA has received questions and concerns from members about CMS guidance regarding replacement of DMEPOS during COVID-19. To address these questions and concerns, AOPA has been in contact with the DME MACs to discuss actions that they will take to implement the provisions of these emergency-based waivers. During a recent presentation the DME MACs addressed […]

COVID-19 Update: Congress Passes CARES Act to Help Provide Financial Relief

Today, in response to COVID-19, Congress finalized the CARES Act, a massive financial relief package designed to tide the U.S. economy and its strained healthcare sector over for the next few months. In terms of tax relief and benefits for O&P, the bill: Carves out $350 billion in aid for small businesses, much of which […]

COVID-19 Update: Guidance for Manufacturers on Operation During State or Local Restrictions Related to COVID-19

We have an update to yesterday’s “Guidance on Operation of O&P Businesses During State or Local Restrictions Related to COVID-19” specific to our O&P manufacturer members. AOPA has reviewed the current state and local orders and, as a general rule, there are specific exemptions that classify companies that manufacture medical devices as “essential” and therefore […]

COVID-19 Update: Guidance on Operation of O&P Businesses During State or Local Restrictions Related to COVID-19

As state and local governments begin to implement restrictions to population interaction in response to COVID-19, AOPA members have requested guidance regarding the continued operation of orthotic and prosthetic (O&P) businesses.  AOPA has been monitoring developments on this issue closely and offers the following guidance based on the current available information. As of March 23, […]

COVID-19 Update: Impact of CMS Waivers on AOPA Members

On March 13, 2020, President Trump issued an emergency declaration under the Stafford Act and the National Emergencies Act to help address issues being caused by the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19).  As part of this declaration, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) put in place certain blanket waivers to help Medicare […]

AOPA Message on COVID-19

Like all of you, the American Orthotic and Prosthetic Association (AOPA) leadership is closely following the coronavirus disease (COVID-19). As you have likely heard, we have made the tough decision to cancel several of our upcoming events in light of it. We know that these are difficult and uncertain times for you and your patients. […]

AOPA 2020 Policy Forum Update

The American Orthotic and Prosthetic Association (AOPA) leadership has been monitoring the COVID-19 developments and after careful consideration has decided to cancel the 2020 Policy Forum scheduled for May 5-6 in Washington DC. This was an extremely difficult decision given the importance of our advocacy agenda, but ultimately the health and safety of our members […]

AOPA Participates in CMS Open Door Forum Call Regarding Medicare Prior Authorization for 6 Lower Limb Prosthesis HCPCS Codes

Yesterday, March 11, AOPA participated in a Medicare Open Door Forum call that provided sub-regulatory guidance on the upcoming implementation of Medicare prior authorization for six lower limb prosthesis HCPCS codes.  The call was hosted by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and was led by Amy Cinquegrani and Dr. Scott Lawrence of […]

CMS Conference Call on Prior Authorization

On February 11, we notified you that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) had announced that six lower limb prosthetic codes will be added to the codes that require Medicare prior authorization as a condition of payment. The full notification can be found here. AOPA has continued to monitor communications from CMS and […]

CMS Announces Medicare Prior Authorization for 6 Lower Limb Prosthetic Codes

On Friday, February 7, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced that six lower limb prosthetic codes will be added to the codes that require Medicare prior authorization as a condition of payment. The official announcement was published today, February 11 in the Federal Register.   AOPA has actively communicated concerns about Medicare […]