
AOPA Submits Comments on Draft Lower Limb Prosthesis Policy Released by Blue Cross Blue Shield of IL, TX. MT, NM, and OK

On October 1, 2018, AOPA submitted comments on a draft policy governing coverage of lower limb prostheses, including microprocessor-controlled prostheses issued by Health Care Services Corporation (HCSC), which operates Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois, Texas, Montana, New Mexico, and Oklahoma. The draft policy, as written will significantly reduce access to advanced prosthetic technology for […]

AOPA 101st National Assembly Highlights

AOPA’s 101st National Assembly proved to be another success for AOPA and the O&P community. Exhibitors and attendees came from over twenty countries, making it an insightful global event. The exhibit hall opened with an original performance from MUSQUEAM – “People of the River Grass.” The Musqueam people are the oldest known residents of Vancouver […]

AOPA Submits Comments Regarding Improving the Medicare Gap Filling Process

AOPA Submits Comments Regarding Improving the Medicare Gap Filling Process On September 10, 2018, AOPA submitted formal comments to CMS regarding suggestions on how to improve the “gap filling” process that is currently used to establish Medicare fee schedule amount for new HCPCS codes.  The opportunity to provide comments was the result of the annual […]

Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Inspector General Issues a Report on VA Payments for Prosthetics

As many AOPA Members may already be aware, earlier this week, the Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Inspector General (VA OIG) issued a report regarding VA overpayments for prosthetic devices described by not otherwise classified (NOC) procedure codes. The full report may be accessed here. The key paragraph in the report addresses purported overpayment […]

O&P News Special Announcement

O&P News Special Announcement The American Orthotic and Prosthetic Association (AOPA) continues its stride toward innovation by creating an online presentation and platform for O&P News. With an efficient website and click-ready flip-book, advertisers are more likely to garner viewership and gain exposure in the overall health-care arena. As always, AOPA strives to provide the […]

Spinal Bracing RFP Extended to September 20, 2018

Announcement –  Spinal Bracing RFP Re-opening AOPA, under the auspices of its Orthotics 2020 program, circulated a request for proposals early in 2018 relating to 5 subject areas for original orthotic papers, with the original deadline for receipt of applications by April 30, 2018. Proposals have been received in all five of those categories. This […]

CMS Releases Proposed Rule on DMEPOS Competitive Bidding

On July 11, 2018, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released a proposed rule that proposes several changes to the Medicare Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS) competitive bidding program.  In addition to the proposed changes to the competitive bidding program, the proposed rule also solicits comments regarding ways to improve […]

DME MACs Retire Draft LCD and Policy Article for Lower Limb Prostheses

Last week AOPA reported that the report of the Inter Agency Workgroup that was formed to provide a consensus statement to inform Medicare coverage of lower limb prostheses had been published. As part of the consensus statement, the Inter Agency Workgroup recommended, and CMS concurred, that the draft LCD and Policy Article for Lower Limb […]

CMS’ Lower Limb Prostheses Interagency Workgroup Releases a Consensus Statement

In 2016 the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) convened the Lower Limb Prostheses Interagency Workgroup in response to the comments received in regard to the 2015 Draft Local Coverage Determination (LCD) for Lower Limb Prostheses. The Workgroup’s purpose was to “develop a consensus statement that informs Medicare policy by reviewing the available clinical […]

CMS Issues Instructions for DME MACs to Immediately Implement Provisions that Require the Recognition of Orthotist and Prosthetist Clinical Documentation as Part of the Medical Record

AOPA and its lobbying team have been pressing CMS from all levels, most recently, including consultation with Trump Administration officials at the Office of Management and Budget, to formally implement the provisions of Section 50402 of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 (Public Law 115-123) as it related to the prosthetist’s and orthotist’s clinical notes.  […]