Assembly Planning Committee

MISSION:  Consistent with the AOPA strategic plan, the Assembly Planning Committee advises the Board on the components to make the AOPA National Assembly the very best experience in O&P education, networking and exhibitions for both attendees and exhibitors.  The Committee may establish “work groups” as necessary to ensure accomplishment of its annual objectives and to enhance membership involvement.  Work groups may be composed entirely of the Assembly Planning Committee members or workgroup “chairs” may invite O&P experts to participate as required to meet their specific objective.

SPECIFIC ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITY: To work with the AOPA staff and to advise and recommend to the AOPA Board:

  • High level clinical educational programming for the AOPA Assembly to consist of education for Orthotists, Prosthetists, pedorthists, and technicians;
  • High level business educational programming for business owners, managers and general office staff;
  • Exhibition/Trade Show;
  • Networking opportunities;
  • General format for AOPA Assembly;
  • Annual Business Meeting;
  • Marketing strategies for National Assembly and AOPA; and
  • Promotional opportunities to support AOPA’s strategic goals, including the O&P PAC, membership sales goals, promotion of AOPA products and services, and legislative goals.

COMPOSITION:10-15 members, appointed by the President.  In making committee appointments, the President should seek to introduce new participants each year, and limit tenure to 2 years.  Some of the core competencies that the President should consider in making appointments to the Assembly Planning Committee include:

  • Willingness to be an active participant at all meetings;
  • Significant experience with clinical research and/or business management;
  • Knowledge of AOPA membership structure;
  • Experience in business and/or consumer surveys;
  • Familiarity with marketing principles;
  • Creativity and inclination to innovate;
  • Experience with print or other media; and
  • Understanding of O&P business and the educational needs of O&P businesses.

In addition, the committee should consist of a variety of individuals whose sum represents the following demographics:

  • O&P Manufacturer
  • Clinical Researcher
  • Local Representative
  • Educator/O&P School
  • Business Management Expert
  • Orthotist
  • Prosthetist
  • Technician
  • Pedorthist

It should be noted that Assembly Committee members receive a 50% discount on their Assembly registration.  AOPA does not cover travel expenses to the Assembly. 

For a list of current volunteers serving on this committee, click here.

AOPA staff liaison for this committee: Ashley Vande Bunte or 571-431-0860.