MISSION STATEMENT: The Government Relations Committee develops AOPA’s public policy strategies as part of the AOPA strategic plan and helps guide the organization in achieving its objectives.
CHARGE: The Committee provides an opportunity for broad member input in setting the association’s public policy positions, establishing annual policy objectives, and monitoring the progress of the government affairs program’s implementation. The Committee’s positions and policy statements must be ratified by the Board.
The Committee may establish “work groups” as necessary to ensure accomplishment of its annual objectives and to enhance membership involvement. Work groups may be composed entirely of Government Relations Committee members, or have participants from outside of the Committee, but each work group must have at a minimum at least one member from the Committee.
Specific roles:
- Develop policy positions and review and update positions annually;
- Establish policy objectives annually for consideration as part of the AOPA strategic plan;
- Monitor the progress of subcommittees and task forces;
- Monitor the grassroots advocacy program; and
- Monitor the association’s activities in support of state policy efforts.
Composition considerations include:
The Government Relations Committee is co-chaired by the Immediate Past President and the Director of Government Relations. Other members of the committee are:
- At least two board members, rotating annually, appointed by the President;
- Three members representing a large company member (over 11 facilities), a small company member (1-10 facilities); and a supplier member;
- One state association leader;
- The chair of the Coding Committee;
- 3-5 members appointed at large with expertise in issues relevant to the Committee (e.g., CMS, Veterans Affairs, FDA, etc.);
- The AOPA Executive Director and Director of Government Affairs;
- An AAOP representative appointed by the AOPA President.
The President will select participants by considering applicants from the call for volunteer’s process. In making committee appointments, the President should seek to involve new participants each year, and limit tenure to 3-4 years.
Some of the core competencies that are considered for members of the Government Relations Committee include:
- Willingness to be an active participant at all meetings;
- Knowledge of Medicare/Medicaid payment policy;
- Experience with contracting and managed care issues;
- Familiarity with L-codes;
- Knowledge of Veterans O&P contracting issues;
- Experience with grassroots lobbying or legislator education;
- Understanding of the public policy process, both legislative and regulatory;
- Experience with state legislation and regulatory change; and
- Knowledge of supplier regulatory issues, including FDA.
For a list of current volunteers serving on this committee, click here.
AOPA staff liaison for this committee: Sam Miller smiller@aopanet.org.