Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee

MISSION: The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee advises the Board on initiatives to implement that address improving diversity, equity, and inclusion within the O&P profession and that lead to the development of resources for the AOPA membership.

VISION: Through its members, AOPA has a multitude of backgrounds, experiences, perspectives,   cultures, and diverse thought patterns that allow for creativity, growth, and innovation in a safe and inclusive environment. Our diverse experiences will enable us to better understand concerns and create solutions.  The goal of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee is to recognize all differences brought to the organization and create a culture where all feel that they matter, are respected, and belong. We support all members as well as share resources for professional and personal growth.

PURPOSE: Consistent with the AOPA strategic plan (and it’s pillars of advocacy, research, education, and collaboration), the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee will advise the Board on initiatives and develop resources to help members address diversity, equity, and inclusion in their own businesses.  The Committee will also develop initiatives to make improvements in the diversity, equity, and inclusion of the O&P profession. Finally, through its work the Committee will help increase awareness of AOPA and the O&P profession.

The Committee may establish “work groups” as necessary to ensure accomplishment of its annual objectives.  Work groups may be composed entirely of the Committee members, but can also include others as long as each work group has at least one member of the Committee.

COMPOSITION: 10-15 members, appointed by the President.  In making committee appointments, the President should seek to introduce new participants each year, and limit tenure to 2 years. The members should be diverse in age, gender, race, sexual orientation, and physical geography. Some of the core competencies that the President should consider in making appointments to the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee include:

  • Willingness to be an active participant at all meetings;
  • Experience with diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives and/or trainings;
  • Knowledge of AOPA membership;
  • Creativity and inclination to innovate;
  • Experience with communications and/or human resources; and
  • Understanding of the O&P profession, including patients it serves.

For a list of current members serving on this committee, click here.

The AOPA Staff Liaison for this Committee is Joy Klapp jklapp@AOPAnet.org