Contribute to high-value clinical and scientific offerings and share your expertise with over 2,000 orthotic, prosthetic, and pedorthic professionals. Submit your proposal for the American Orthotic and Prosthetic Association’s 2020 National Assembly, September 9-12, 2020 in Las Vegas, NV.
We are looking for:
- Clinical Free Papers – The top scoring papers will compete for the prestigious Thranhardt Award.
- Technician Program
- Symposia
- Business Education Program – The top papers will be considered for the prestigious Sam E. Hamontree, CP (E) Business Education Award.
Abstracts will be considered for both podium and poster presentations and must be submitted electronically; e-mail or fax submissions will not be accepted. Each submission will be graded by the review committee via a blind review process, based on the following criteria.
- Relevance, level of interest in categories
- Quality of scientific content
- Quality of clinical content
- Quality of technical content
What are you waiting for? Advance your career. Gain recognition. See your name in lights. Submit your abstract by March 20, 2020.
Questions about the submission process or the National Assembly? Contact AOPA at 571/431-0876.